Monday, September 8, 2008

Down on bended knee...

Even with a 20-plus penalty game, the inevitable end of this game with the ball in Tarvaris' hands...was him throwing the ball into Atari Bigby's (probably the coolest name ever) hands to end the game for the FIRST TURNOVER OF THE NIGHT. In a game with 20 mistakes, that was shocking. In unrelated news, the Vikings have sent Tarvaris Jackson down to their XFL developmental team, The St. Paul Stoprunningourteamintothegrounds. Nah, nah, the XFL doesn't exist anymore. My bad. Now time for the one team I wanted to win this weekend...BRONCOS. RAIDERS. I have the Broncos in my survival pool this week...let's all pray. Pray for Jay. This just in...ESPN thought it was cool to have every guy named Mike they have under contract announce this game, (Ditka, Golic, Greenberg). The Raiders need to hurry up and lose so I can get some sleep.

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