I am now between programs with four minutes until my 12 hour USA Network block, so I will address my opinion about the best Olympic athlete of all time.
Sadly, The Olympics are about sports, and swimming is not a sport. Sorry kids. It's not. Can you call anyone a great defensive swimmer? Nope, that's because it's not a sport. Sorry.
However, true athletes transcend sports...which makes Michael Phelps the greatest Olympian of all time. Here's why, and I will also give you alternate arguments, other than the obvious.
One argument i've heard is that "Swimming gives out medals like crazy". I've also heard the person that claimed this say that Carl Lewis is the greatest Olympian ever.
First of all, Carl Lewis was under the banner of "track and field". And they give out a FUCKton of medals. He also has less TOTAL medals than Phelps has GOLD medals. Get on that, fuckfaces.
I can't waste all my material on this argument. More on that coming up. Right now...men's beach dreamyball on USA.